
HRC: Read Our #HIV Ebook

Human Rights Campaign and AIDS United have released an  ebook about HIV and they want you to read it.

Supported by the Elton John Foundation, the HRC announced and released a co-branded 58-page publication along side a microsite that tries to answer questions one might have when faced with an issue relating to living with HIV or protecting oneself from becoming infected.

The publication, “A Handbook to Understanding Health and HIV” is a new resource from the Human Rights Campaign, according to their website.

Although my opinion on the content of the publication matters very little, the HRC also released a full page of support from national organizations including:  Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC), AIDS United, and all the other big wigs from around the country.  Read all the praise you want here.

Learn More:  Have you seen the new “ASK HIV” iPhone app?  It doesn’t provide FAQ-answers.  Each message is responded to individually and personally.  Download from iTunes now: ASK HIV App

Kudos to the HRC on providing this resource.  Read all 58 pages here.  Or check out their FAQ section, WHAT DO I DO?, on their website.

For more: Read the LGBT Guide for HIV Prevention


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