If you will forget the issues and problems you face and the circumstances you are in, and will instead focus on how you value yourself–you will be living your best.
But, it seems easier said than done. To take time and just rest your mind, so you can reset. I’m talking about something greater than ourselves– for some of you this will be incredibly difficult. I get that. Totally get it, actually. So, why not start small?
For 10 seconds after this video, I want you to do something (so crazy)– I want you to forget about your circumstances, any problems, and your issues and just give yourself some self-love and self-encoruagement. I’m asking you to be really really selfish right now and just take a moment to focus on YOU!
“I have value. I mean something.”
[Sure, the video above may feel like a television evangelist, but did you focus on what I was saying?]
Now! Doesn’t that feel better? Seriously… You are boss! Own that! In this moment, you literally can overcome anything.
Your BEST days are in front of you, not behind you. You are valuable, valid, and very worthy of anything you need, but your mind has to be right. So, get your life and get your mind right. Because you are about to have the ride of your life. [And scene!]
Watch the first #PositiveMinutes episode: Stop Apologizing
xo! – Josh