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Hospital Allegedly Classified HIV Patient As: No Contact

Accusations leveled against Wyckoff Heights Hospital in Brooklyn by HIV patient allegedly classified as: no contact

If you think what is happening at our borders this week is gut wrenching, imagine what you would feel like if something like this allegation happened to you inside the United States.

It could be one of the most offensive things a hospital could do to a patient living with HIV and undetectable—labeling them as ‘no contact.’ But that is exactly the public allegations being made against Wyckoff Heights Hospital on social media by Atlas Grant.


In an exclusive interview with, Atlas further explains what happened, writing in a DM, “My mother is beyond upset. She didn’t understand why we had to keep putting the food tray outside the door. And why I hand to disinfect and change my boyfriends bedding. They were also openly talking about his hiv status in front of me and my mother.”

He continues, “He was declared a no contact patient. We didn’t sign a HIPAA release. So they shouldn’t have done that.”

Although the patient has since left the facility this week, they have been in contact with GMHC in NY.

“He was there since Father’s Day. We checked him out of Wyckoff yesterday. GMHC was amazing. Once my boyfriend gets his surgery, I’ll focus on Wyckoff.” has reached out to the hospital via their communications department, but the line appears to be a fax line, incorrectly listed on their website. We also sent a Tweet asking for a contact. No response has been given yet.


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