Josh Robbins reviews
I have to admit that even though I am HIV-positive, and have been run through tons of HIV tests, needle pricks and oral swabs in my day (I’m 30!), I still get a bit nervous about actually going in to get an STD test. So, I contacted the amazingly friendly marketing and promotion team and informed them that I wanted to write a review of their product, service and website for my nifty new ISJ FAVES section of my HIV BLOG. They agreed. (Full disclosure– I am not being paid for this review, nor did I pay for the service rendered. With that said, it has no reflection in this honest review.)
What I desired was pretty simple & straightforward: I wanted to an easy STD test, not too expensive, privacy and confidentiality and reliable test results.
[pluslist]The first step [/pluslist]of utilizing their STD-testing product is to decide if you want to call their phone line: 866-322-7154 to order the STD tests or utilize their website- I optioned to call. The initial call resulted in about a 7 minute wait, but once I got connected to their representative, it was extremely easy to discuss what I wanted– which test or group of tests. I chose their most popular package:
[pluslist]The second step[/pluslist]was to decide what route to go: IN-HOME testing or IN-LAB testing. In order to get reliable results and the best package deal, I chose the IN LAB testing (it was a local Nashville lab) that I chose the location. There were several options. I decide on the testing option that had the most STD tests available. I chose the COMPLETE LAB TEST PACKAGE for HIV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Oral Herpes, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.
[pluslist]The third step [/pluslist]after payment* was to receive an email with simple instructions on where to go, with the papers that the lab would need in order to preform the test. And I could go anytime that I chose before the expiration, which was several months away.
[box_tip]Don’t forget to take the papers they email you to the lab, as it has the information needed to authorize the testing.[/box_tip]
[pluslist]Fourth step[/pluslist]was simply to head to the lab to perform the test. This was the easiest part. I chose a lab that I thought wouldn’t be too busy and I went at 2pm during the afternoon, and I was right. There was no line, nor wait. I signed in. Showed the front desk attendant the paperwork and they immediately took me back to the room. I got a quick couple of tubes of blood drawn and then off to the fun “pee-in-a-cup” room. Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards, folks! (It’s a small cup.)
[pluslist]Finally, the fifth step[/pluslist]was after waiting 4-5 days, I received an email from and I decided to call for my results. There was hardly even a 10-second wait and lovely, warm-voiced woman came on the line and went over all the results one-by-one. I had warned her right when she answered that I was HIV-positive and I knew that, but for the sake of honest results, I allowed an HIV test to occur in additional to all other STD tests, so she wouldn’t worry or be nervous talking about the positive result for HIV. She laughed and she and I talked about then she offered me tons of resources for information. She told me that had I not known already that I was living with HIV, she would have taken the time to help me find the help and I could speak with a doctor. I declined. And then it was finished. Pretty simple call, honestly.
RESULT: 5 STARS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Congratulations to GETSTDTESTED.COM for being named an ISJ FAVE 2013!!!

[box_dark] If you want to be tested for the same 8-panel STD test that is reviewed above, visit and enter promo code: Josh50 for $50 off that package.**[/box_dark]
If you would rather have the option for potential free clinics, click here.
*For consideration of review, did not charge me for this service. However, this review as agreed upon prior to the testing would not reflect that arrangement, nor did I receive compensation for this review.
**This is not an affiliate offer, it’s a discount code. I do not make any money or commission off the use of this promotional code.