Congratulations to one of my favorite organizations, CAREXO, on the release of their PlaySafe App today!
[box_dark]DESCRIPTION: A membership and the PlaySafe™ app provide you with an innovative way to stay aware of your STD health AND share your 3rd party verified STD status with anyone you choose in the most private and sensitive methods possible. First and foremost – NO App can protect you against HIV and STDs. Information and education (and a condom) however – can. Your STD health is your responsibility, take care of yourself. PlaySafe provides you and your partner the information you need to make safer choices. The CareXO Foundation ( is committed to the security of your health data, and maintains HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) standards that go far beyond what is required of a standard membership site in protecting your personal information. We hold ourselves to the same standards used by your doctor or insurance company in storing your personal information. PlaySafe™ maintains your privacy while protecting your status and health by providing you with a tool to make the right decisions. It works in 3 easy steps: 1) Go to and create a profile (read the terms and privacy info). Choose the health tests (HIV/STD) that you want to take. Optionally you may print the release and consent forms to take with you to the test site (Test Result Form). 2) Get Tested! The test center must sign and validate your forms as proof of your verified results. Ask the organization to fax the results (or take a photo of the form from the app) and send them to (They will be verified for accuracy) 3) Download the PlaySafe™ app from the ITunes store. That’s all! Once verified your results will be posted to your profile. It is safe, private and secure. Nobody can see it, unless you choose to un-hide it, share by using your unique personal CareXO ID# or profile hyperlink. Know your status and protect it.[/box_dark] [divider]
ALSO! We are pleased to announce the PlaySafe APP has been named to our 2013 ISJ FAVES List! Congratulations, CAREXO!
More info about the 2013 ISJ Faves List coming soon.
[toggle_simple title=”Additional Info about PlaySafe APP Here” width=”300″]ADDITIONAL INFO: – You MUST HAVE an existing account at in order to enjoy the full functionality of the app. Sign up is free. No subscription fee or additional costs. – Proceeds from sale of PlaySafe™ go to help fund community HIV prevention and education projects in the community encouraging regular HIV/STD testing. – App price is on a per user basis. – Future versions with added features may be upgraded at additional cost above the base app price. – Paid in app upgrades may be available in future versions.[/toggle_simple]