What is my Vitamin Regimen?
Simple, yet effective for me. Here’s my daily vitamin regimen since I am living with HIV.

- D3-5000
- Fish Oil
- Centrum Daily Vitamin
- Fiber Well Gummies
- B-Complex[/pluslist]
[box_warning]I am not a doc! So before you take my word on any of this, please consult with a physician because my lawyers told me to tell ya. Okr! I am a blogger, not physician. xo- josh[/box_warning]
I’m Still Josh! You still be you!!!
For more information on vitamins and alternative HIV treatments, visit: HIV AIDS Alternative Treatments
Hi Josh, I take the following: D3 2000 iu, B6 100 mg, Fish Oil 3600 mg, Zinc 50 mg, E 400 iu daily, and inject B12 1ml per week.